The Elektra T1 Sixties espresso machine is a top choice among discerning cafe owners, and for good reason. Despite its small frame, this machine packs a powerful punch with its standout feature – an impressive 5.5 liter boiler that is seamlessly integrated into its compact design. The machine’s unique construction allows it to take up minimal space in even the busiest commercial settings, making it a popular choice among cafe owners. Additionally, the Elektra T1 Sixties is an excellent option for home use thanks to its compact size and powerful performance. Whether you’re a professional barista or a coffee enthusiast, the Elektra T1 Sixties is sure to impress with its exceptional functionality and impressive design.
Would you prefer to upgrade to a similarly designed dual boiler espresso machine instead? Then check out the Elektra Verve!
This is the new version of the Elektra T1
It does not have a pressurestat to regulate the boiler pressure which is directly proportional to the temperature of the boiler and water in the heat exchanger. This espresso machine has an additional probe in the steam boiler. This probe connects to an electronic controller which regulates the boiler steam pressure. It also will save the heating element from damage from a lack of water in the machine’s boiler. For example, the water company shuts off the water supply due to a water main break.
Other new features on the T1!
This machine is so new that we still have not learned all the programmability of this newly designed machine. Shown below, the touchpad with a K has a series of lights. These lights in program mode can indicate which menu the machine is in. The black electronic control box that has a single series of lights exemplifies the particular setting the machine is in for the particular menu on the touchpad. We will post more here as we learn the different features.